“Bad things will happen, they always do. But good things will happen too. Which will you focus on? The decision is up to you. You can choose to see the happiness of life or focus on the worries of life. No one can make you happy, but you can choose happiness.”
This time has been difficult for many, including myself, but I have also been trying to make the most of this time and focus on the good things.
I will forever cherish all of this extra time that I have been able to spend with my husband and my children. We may not be able to go anywhere, but I am grateful we get to be together.
It has been very difficult not to see family and friends, but technology has enabled us to stay in contact with everyone. I am grateful we are able to connect in this way.
A lot of bad things are happening in the world, but it is still important to remember that good things are happening too.
This craft was not my idea. I saw this idea on various pages, and I had to make this too.
How to Make a Quarantine Keepsake
You will need:
- White card stock
- Colorful card stock
- Glue
Step 1:
Print out my freebie on white card stock if you want the same text that I used for my quarantine keepsake
Step 2:
Trace each family member’s hand onto a piece of colored card stock. I used a different color for each family member.
Step 3:
Cut out each handprint and paste them onto the white card stock on top of one another.
That is it, you are all done!