My sweet girl is already two months old and I can hardly believe it! I am cherishing every moment and milestone as I know this will be my last time going through the newborn stage.
After going through the newborn stage 3 times, I made a list of some of my must have items that helped me survive!
This time around, my daughter loves the Ryan and Rose pacifiers. They are a little expensive but they are SUPER cute. I recommend having a variety of pacifiers to see which brand/style your babe will like. My first loved the Phillips Avent pacifiers, and my second was a thumb sucker.
Burp Cloths
I have over 20 Burt’s Bees burp cloths, and I could still use about 20 more! I keep burp cloths all over my house. I love how soft Burt’s Bees burp cloths are and the cute patterns are an added bonus!
If you plan to breastfeed, I 100 percent recommend getting a Haakaa. I wish I knew about it when I had my first daughter because it is seriously a lifesaver. I have saved so much milk in my freezer without pumping! This milk would have otherwise gone to waste being collected by a breast pad with out my Hakkaa.
Halo Sleepsack Swaddle
All 3 of my babies loved the Halo Sleepsack Swaddle. I loved that with this swaddle I could use it to transition them to one arm out or both arms out. I suggest getting two of these swaddles, one in size newborn, and one in size small! My babies quickly outgrew the newborn size and we had to size up to a small.
I have used the Owlet Smart Sock with all of my babies, and for me it was worth every single penny! The Owlet has helped reduce my anxiety and has helped me sleep better. I would otherwise be up all night starting at my babies to ensure they were breathing. I have the older Owlet Smart Sock 2 , but I hear that the newer Owlet Smart Sock 3 is even better!
Sound Machine
We have used a sound machine with all of my babies from the start. Not only do I find it helps my babies sleep, but it also blocks out older siblings screaming and dogs barking! We use the Homedics Sound Spa Sound Machine. This sound machine is less than $25.00 and works perfect for us!
Boppy Pillow
I know a lot of people don’t love the Boppy pillow, but I am a huge fan! I have used the Boppy pillow with all three of my babies for breastfeeding. I had to order a new one for baby number three because my original Boppy (again after going through five babies) ripped in half. I contemplated buying a My Breast Friend pillow, but I just loved the Boppy so much I had to get it again. You can also use the Boppy with your baby for: back laying, propped playing, tummy time, and more!
Baby Bouncer
I used a baby bouncer with all of my babies. We had a hand me down Fisher Price bouncer that I used for my first and second children. It worked great, but after going through five babies, it was worn out and we needed a new one! We were gifted a Baby Bjorn Bouncer this time around, and I couldn’t love it more! I love that it is adjustable and I can fold it down to transport it. It also has a very easy cover to take on and off to clean. I use my bouncer to keep my babies away from my dog and my other children. The bouncer is also a great place for them to rest or have a cat nap (with parent supervision).
Baby Wrap/Carrier
I have used a baby carrier this third time around more than I did with my first and second children. When you have more than one child, a baby carrier comes in handy to be able to still comfort your newborn and carry them while still having free hands to help your other children. I also always preferred to wear my babies when we were out and about. Less people tried to touch my babies when I wore them, and I didn’t have to lug their heavy carseat everywhere. This time around I LOVE the Baby K’tan! I did not think I would like a wrap style carrier, but it is seriously amazing and secure! We also love the Ergobaby and plan to start using that one more often.
These are just a few items I could not live without! What are some items that helped you through the newborn stage?