Clipboard Checklists are a great tool for parents to use with their children and teachers to use with their students.
Checklists help children see what they have to get accomplished, help them to get into good habits, and become responsible and take accountability.
As you can see on our checklist, I chunk our learning activities into sections and include multiple breaks throughout the day. I have a list of breaks for students to choose from.
At the start of each day, my students choose the three things they want to do for their breaks. By doing this at the start of the day, they are not wasting their break time trying to decide what they want to do. I make sure I have a list of options for them to revisit if they are stuck on what to choose.
Here are some sample break ideas:
- Art
- Listen to Music
- Technology Time
- Reading
- Puzzles
- Games
- STEM Bins (Legos, Dominoes, Blocks, etc)
I set a timer for break time. I let my students know when break is half way over, and then give them another reminder when we have 5 minutes left. I find giving them a reminder that break is almost over helps them transition better to getting back to work!
My students feel so accomplished when they see all of the things they checked off their list! The checklist is helping them to become more responsible.
I created an editable checklist so you can try it out with your kiddos! This is a great tool for schoolwork, but is also great for chores and daily tasks. You can find it below:
You must have the most recent version of Adobe installed, and you must also download the free personal use fonts below:
Clipboard Checklist Set up:
- Print off the checklist
- Put checklist into page protector (or laminate)
- Clip into clipboard
- Use dry erase marker to check off daily tasks
Try it out and let me know how it works for you!