School Snack & Meal Ideas
The first few weeks of homeschooling can be quite overwhelming, especially if you have never homeschooled before! Why not take control over another aspect of your life that you are familiar with, such as snacks and meals! I don’t know about you, but trying to find things in the fridge or pantry to whip up […]
STEM Activities
What is a STEM Toy? What is a STEM Bin? You may have seen me post about these on my Instagram page, or you may have seen them on Pinterest. You may be wondering, what is the hype about STEM? Read below to find out why STEM activities are awesome, not only in the classroom, […]
FUN Math Card Games
The Math Spiral This is a very fun card game! My students always loved this game, even my fifth graders! I used items I had around my house for this game. I used a deck of cards, dice from my Yahtzee game, and pouch tops from my kids squeeze packs as game pieces but you […]
Learning with Chalk
Shapes & Colors Hopscotch Draw as many different colored shapes outside with chalk as you would like and turn it into a fun movement activity that also helps children identify shapes and colors. Have your shapes in somewhat of a path for your child. Littlest Learners Where is the square? Hop on the square. Find […]
Fun Ways to Practice Sight Words at Home
What are sight words and why does my child need to know them? Sight words are words that need to be memorized because they do not follow the typical rules of spelling and they are not easily decoded. The goal is for students to be able to recognize these sight words immediately (within 3 seconds) […]
Free Educational Websites for Learning at Home
I have compiled some of the many FREE educational websites that are available for at home learning. Some of these are only free now during COVID-19. Math Bedtime Math Funbrain K-5 Math Teaching Resources Math Game Time Math Playground Prodigy Splash Learn Xtra Math Science Amazing Space Discovery Mindblown Code Academy Home Safari -Cincinatti […]
Daily Learning Schedule Ideas for All Ages
Many parents and caregivers may now be home with their children due to COVID-19. If you are like me, you like a schedule! I have provided some example daily schedules for various aged children. Remember, these are just examples and frameworks. Your day may not always go as planned and you will need to be […]